Dirk Jan van den Berg


Dirk Jan van den Berg (1953) took up his current position as president of Delft University of Technology on the 1st of March 2008. He has studied econometrics at Groningen State University and completed the “Cycle Etranger” at the Ecole Nationale d’Administration in Paris.


2005-2007  Ambassador of The Netherlands in the People’s Republic of China and Mongolia
2001-2005 Permanent Representative of The Netherlands to the United Nations in New York
1992-2001 Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Deputy Director-General for Industry, Ministry of Economic Affairs.


Deputy Director General for Foreign Economic relations, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
1987-1989 Director Industrial Policy in the Directorate General for Industry, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
1987-1989 Director of the "BOFEB", a 1 year professional training program for young economists, aspiring for government jobs. Erasmus University Rotterdam.
1985-1987 Head of the Medium Term Bureau of the Macro Economic Policy Directorate of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
1980-1984 Policy Advisor for macro economic issues in the Macro Economic Policy Directorate of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
1978-1980  Research Assistant in the Faculty of Economics, Groningen State University.

Dirk Jan van den Berg is married to Frederike Mijnlieff and they have two children, a son Rutger (1982) and a daughter Boudewien (1984). His interests are music, photography and running.