
Professor Takeshi Sunaga is a founding member of Information Design Department at Tama Art University (TAU), Tokyo, Japan. He is a team leader of CREST project by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) from 2006. His background is based on Design and Cognitive Science. He studied Design at TAU and practiced as a professional designer at GK Industrial Design Assoc., Tokyo. After GK, he studied Cognitive Science and Design as interdisciplinary studies at University of Tsukuba. He received Ph.D. in Design at Tsukuba from the study in 1987. He studied Strategic Design at Institute of Design at Illinois Institute of Technology, 1988-1989. Then he started to build an experimental design program of Media & Interface at TAU in 1989. Through Visiting professor at Human-Computer Interaction at Stanford University, 1995-1996, he established Information Design Department program at TAU in 1998. Video-on -demand system design for Winter Olympic Game Nagano, Japan (1997) and Social Networking System (SNS) for Agriculture Museum of Tokachi region, Hokkaido Japan (2006) have been remarkable practices in design. Now advanced research on "Societal Platform for People's Expression" as CREST project is running with his Activity-Based Design theory. The CREST project is found at "Media Exprimo (http://www.mediaexprimo.jp/english/)." The Agriculture Museum of Tokachi site in on http://www.tokachi-a-muse.jp/. |