讲者 |
Anne-Marie Boutin (President, The Agency for the Promotion of Industrial Design (APCI), France)
Topic: Design education for a sustainable and desirable world : the French approach
Bill Moggridge (Co-founder, IDEO )
Topic: Teaching Design Thinking |
Cees de Bont (Dean, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands)
Topic: A blessing in disguise - the contribution of Industrial Design Engineering to sustainable well being |
Craig Vogel (FIDSA, Associate Dean, Research and Innovation, College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning, University of Cincinnati, the U.S.A.)
Topic: The Live Well Collaborative - Managing the Tension between Coordinating Design in a Comprehensive University while Providing Design as an Outsource Capability to an International Corporation |
Jeremy Myerson (Director and Helen Hamlyn Professor of Design, Helen Hamlyn Centre, Royal College of Art, the UK)
Topic: Desirable, Feasible and Viable - A review of educational initiatives from the Royal College of Art
in combining design with technology and business
at the front end of innovation |
Patrick Whitney (Steelcase/Robert C Pew Professor and Dean, Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology, the U.S.A.)
Topic: Sustainable Innovation: Avoiding the Collission
The standard prescription for sustainability and the normal goals for innovation are in direct conflict with each other. How can design help reframe this situation? |
Renke He (Dean and Professor, School of Design, Hunan University, P.R. China)
Topic: From Industrial Design to Innovative Design |
Xiaoyou He
( Associate Dean, Nanjing Arts Institute, P.R. China )
Topic: Investigating the Design Education Issues in China and Its
Solutions |
Yongqi Lou (Vice Dean, College of Design &
Innovation, Tongji University, P.R. China)
Topic: Bridging the knowledge: D&I @ Tongji |