Topic: From Academic Design Studies to Design as a Profession
Confronted by the growing complexity but also by the social and economic acceptance of design, academic design institutions had to, and have to, improve and to dynamize their systems of and inputs to studying design: in order to be more realistic, innovative, evident, provocative and successful. They have to do this because they are responsible for the future of their design students as well as for the social, economic and cultural evidence and quality of design. Therefore design studies today have to consider soft skills such as awareness, self-confidence, self-consciousness, playfulness, frustration tolerance and communicative skills – and the ability to reflect upon all of this.
Then realism in design means to understand the inevitable social implications and efforts of design as well as realistic insights into the inner processes of markets and companies, their internal structures, ways of decision-taking, even into their irrationality and banality. Of course, designers need to understand their role and position within society and companies.
Also, they have to know the integrative and trans-disciplinary abilities of design and to consider and include these in practice: by research, by concepts, by analysis and by intensive interventions and actions.
No doubt: there is more to talk about. You´ll see.