Opening Keynote
Tony Fry
Visiting Scholar, University of Cincinnati/ the United States & Adjunct Professor, Queensland College of Art, Griffith University/ Australia
Topic: Design in Time
Closing Keynote Thomas L. Magnanti
President, Singapore University of Technology and Design/ Singapore & Institute Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology/ the United States
Topic: Educating Technology-Grounded Leaders for Design-Driven Innovation
Raymond Au
Associate Academic Director (Design), Hong Kong Design Institute & Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee)/ Hong Kong
Panel Speaker: Education for Fashion Design Futures |
David Cuartielles
Head of Laboratory: IOIO, Malmö University/ Sweden
Topic: Arduino: Education Using Open Source Tools
Demian Horst
Programme Director, MA Transportation Design Institution, Umeå Institute of Design, Umeå University/ Sweden
Topic: Designed in Umeå - The Next Chapters
Tim Jachna
Associate Dean (Academic Programmes) & Professor, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University/ Hong Kong
Workshop 3: Learning Entrepreneurship
Ilpo Koskinen
Professor, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University/ Hong Kong
Organisers' presentation: Things on Paper: on Theoretical Design
Jo Lau Yuk-lan
Lecturer, Department of Fashion & Image Design, Hong Kong Design Institute/ Hong Kong
Workshop 1: Experiential Learning for Sustainable Design
Lou Yongqi
Dean, College of Design and Innovation,
Tongji University/ P.R.China & Vice President, CUMULUS
Topic: Changing Design Education for Innovation: A 3D "T-shaped" Design Education Framework
Elizabeth McLafferty
Head, Department of Fashion & Image Design, Hong Kong Design Institute/ Hong Kong
Organisers' presentation: Fashion the Way Forward Workshop 1: Experiential Learning for Sustainable Design
Cilla Robach
Principal, Beckmans College of Design/ Sweden
Topic: Preparing Designers for the Creative Society
Jan Staël von Holstein
Professor, The College of Design & Innovation, Tongji University & Professor, The HULT International Business School/ P.R. China
Workshop 3: Learning Entrepreneurship
Clemens Thornquist
Professor, Fashion Design, Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås/ Sweden
Topic: The Significance of Basic Research in Design Education
Ena Voûte
Dean, Industrial Design Engineering
Delft University of Technology/ The Netherlands
Workshop 2: Design Guide in a MOOC and a BOOK