Design Education, Research and Society

After Portugal accession to the Bologna Convention on the recognition of qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region, a new education paradigm started to rise at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon (FA/ULisboa): a constant interconnection between design education, research and society in general, comprising industry and companies. Design education became central, within its three dimensions: product design, communication design and fashion design, combining theory and practice, and encouraging a constant inter-disciplinary dialog.

Another dimension of our Design education is an integral holistic approach where the different areas of education and research present at FA/ULisboa interact between themselves, enlarging Design students’ scope and vision. Many of the Design research projects at Master, PhD and Post-Doc establish a connection not only between Design Practice, the companies and the industry, but also with other scales of project such as urbanism, architecture and interior architecture. This new Design paradigm allows the promotion of innovation and to bridge between different project areas which were often unconnected until now.

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Last Update: December 24, 2015