Call for Posters |
We invite submissions to the poster category of Design Education.
The poster programme offers an engaging venue to present and discuss new and developing research. Posters provide the opportunity for researchers to get feedback on early-stage work, to network for the development of your future work and discuss your work in an informal manner with the larger Design Education community during the interactive poster session.
We are particularly interested in poster submissions of preliminary results, current practices, novel experiences or prototypes, design explorations in the field of Design Education and Design Research related topics reflecting our theme, Spirit of Place.
In addition to being exhibited at the conference’s gallery space the posters publication will include the following:
- the abstract of the poster published in the conference programme booklet,
- an inclusion of the poster in the published proceedings book and online conference gallery of accepted posters,
- interactive presentation during the conference.
Our staff will help you on-site to exhibit your poster.
Please e-mail us if you have any questions.